Getting Creative with Sonu Sultania

We’re Getting Creative with artist Sonu Sultania at work on Devotion, the latest painting to come out of her studio.

“I got the inspiration for this painting from my friend who is equally passionate about her love for music as I am for my art,” says Sonu.

getting creative with sonu sultania

The composition of Devotion is strong yet peaceful and the emotional tension Sonu has been able to create is very engaging for the viewer.

“I enjoy bringing my passion to my artworks but the recipes for passion are endless and unique,” says the artist. “With an essential ingredient being able to live in the moment,” she adds definitively.

We can feel the passion coming through the artist’s work and the fluidity and rhythm of this painting is one we have come to associate with the work of the talented Sonu Sultania.

Click here to view Devotion and other work by this artist.